Our Stories

On this page, you can listen to first-hand accounts of the far-reaching impact that dementia has on different people, communities, and families. As you click through the audios, you will hear memories, stories, and experiences from patients, caregivers, volunteers, and relatives across a range of ages.

Dementia touches not only people who are close to someone who has it, but also every person that comes into contact with them; from medical staff to neighbors, local grocery store staff, postal service workers, and more.

The Bus Driver

Natalia shares a funny story about her grandmother’s first few days in an assisted living home, involving a flirtatious bus driver.

A Love of Books

Charlotte shares her memories of her grandmother and their mutual love of books.

The Tommy Tipee

Natalia’s father, Rob, shares a funny memory about family road trips!

The Sewing Machine

Faye tells the story of where her love of sewing came from.